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Testing the physical properties of powder

  • Comparison of the flowability of bulk materials
  • Powder characterization
  • Identification of flow problems
  • Powder Rheology
  • Quality conformance test and product certification
  • Optimization of flow aids and/or processes
  • Silo calculations according to DIN EN 1991-4 or DIN 1055-6
  • Silo or bin activator design
  • Silo stress determination in filling and discharge states
  • Time consolidation of bulk materials
  • Pressure on the outlet
  • Ensuring mass flow in a silo
  • Calculation of the minimum outlet opening to avoid bridging
  • Problem solving in existing silos
  • Process control to prevent operational issues and/or damages
  • Avoid product change issues
  • ...
testing physical properties of powder
Measurements and evaluations of physical properties of powders and bulk solids


ASTM D6682
Take advantage of over thirty years of experience in bulk material analysis, providing all parameters necessary for characterization and further technological calculations. All measurements are performed on standardized and certified instruments, where structured process procedures ensure high quality and economic workflow.

    ASTM D6682-A, angle of internal friction φi, effective angle of friction φe, cohesion τc, unconfined compressive strength σc, horizontal load ratio λ u. λ0,  flowability factor (FL, ffc)
    + time consolidation

    ASTM D6682-B, wall friction angle φw, φx, wall friction coefficient μw, adhesion, approximation of wall friction,
    + wall friction time consolidation
    + wall friction changing

    bulk density ρb0, ρSch: EN ISO 60; USP 616,Methode III; ASTM D6682-C uniaxial compression density ρbN), ASTM D6682-A flow density ρbF(σ), ρbr(σ)

    DIN EN ISO 787, ISO 3953, ASTM B527, Hausner-Ratio, Compressibility Index (%), ...

    %M (percent moisture), %S (percent solid), ...

    DIN ISO 4324, ASTM D6393


Fail-safe and easy-to-use evaluations

Automatic analysis of the measurements and further calculations are available upon request. A calculation tool as a design aid is available with which it is possible to automatically calculate and compare different silo shapes and dimensions.

  • Raw data and evaluation of the individual measurements

  • Descriptive statistics of one and / or more bulk solids

  • Internal friction analysis (linear and exponential)

  • Function of effective friction angle φe1)

  • Flow function σc1), flowability factor FL(σ1), ffc1)

  • Density function ρb1), flow density ρbrr)

  • Comparison of wall friction

  • Silo calculation
    Mean values including standard deviations SD, divergence-coefficients aK, aμ, aγ, silo classification arccording DIN EN 1991-4, Silo stress conditions: Vertical pressure Pv, Horizontal pressure Ph, wall stress Pw for (active) filling state and (passive) discharging state, Limiting criterion for mass flow / funnel flow, Critical bridging area, pressure on the outlet, ...


Bulk solids evaluations
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